Why Movement Is So Important: The Big Picture

Published by Shauna Burchett, OTR/L on

woman running outdoors

Movement is life. When we stop moving, bad things happen.

The different systems of the body rely on movement to deliver nutrients and to whisk away waste products. From the cardiovascular system with blood or the lymphatic system with its own flow, to the nerves with their axoplasmic flow – there isn’t a system in the body that does not need movement.

When we move, we allow the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems to become more efficient.  Located very close to the arteries are veins, lymph vessels, and nerves to different areas of the body. The veins and lymph vessels use the pulse of the arteries to help move its respected fluids.

The venous and lymphatic systems are the vessels that help to deliver waste products to our various filtering organs. Without proper movement of these structures, the waste products become more stagnant. The body has to work extra hard and use extra energy to rid the body of this waste product.

Ever wonder why you’re so tired all the time?  Ever wonder why you don’t have energy to exercise?  It’s a vicious cycle – the more you don’t move , the harder it is to move.

It’s hard for most people to start moving, so remember that when you start any movement exercise, you’re not in it alone.  It will start to get easier. It doesn’t matter which form of movement, just start moving! Another great by-product of movement is the release of hormones that help you deal with stress and pain,  and the “feel-good” hormones that you always hear about. Check with your local gyms for different forms of movement, and don’t forget to increase your water with increased exercise.

You can also try a movement class at Synergy Healthcare in Spokane Valley. We offer various movement classes on a weekly basis, such as Feldenkrais and Qigong. Check out our schedule for current days and times!

Shauna Burchett, OTR/L

Shauna Burchett, OTR/L is a skilled occupational therapist and the owner of Synergy Healthcare. She graduated from the University of Alberta in 1993 with a degree in Occupational Therapy. Shauna began her career as an occupational therapist specializing in traumatic head injuries. She has also worked in skilled nursing facilities specializing in long and short term geriatric rehabilitation. Shauna has been in private practice since 1998.