Frequently Asked Questions

We are often asked the following questions at Synergy Physical Therapy in Spokane Valley. They range from insurance accepted to the availability of cash pay physical therapy appointments and more. Please read on. If your answer isn’t here, don’t hesitate to call us.

1. Do you accept insurance?

Yes, Synergy Healthcare accepts most major insurance companies including:

Medicare (currently waitlisted)
Veterans Administration
Keiser PPO
First Choice
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Federal Blue Cross
Idaho Medicaid

2. How long are appointments?

All evaluations are an hour long. Follow-up appointments are generally an hour long, with a few exceptions.

3. Why can’t I be treated without an evaluation?

A proper evaluation is essential to getting high quality care. After all, a therapist can’t treat if they don’t know what the real problem is! To get a complete picture of what’s going on, the therapist will discuss your medical history and palpate the body looking for tissue restrictions and dysfunction.

4. Do I need a referral from my doctor before receiving Physical Therapy?

No. Both Washington and Idaho allow for evaluation and treatment from a physical therapist without a doctor’s referral with Direct Access legislation. The goal of Direct Access legislation is to eliminate barriers to care. This results in more effective and quicker healthcare.

Think about it. You wake up with an aching neck that seems to get worse instead of better. You call the doctor and discover you can’t get an appointment for three more days. That’s three more days of pain. You can see a physical therapist today and jump-start your recovery with Direct Access to a physical therapist. The sooner you get to see a PT, the sooner you’ll be on the road to feeling better. Plus, it saves you money and allows you to return to your normal lifestyle more quickly.

5. I’m searching for cash pay physical therapy. If I don’t use insurance, what are your prices?

We’re happy to provide transparent, straightforward pricing for cash-pay physical therapy. Cash pay physical therapy appointments are most useful for those with insurance that doesn’t cover physical therapy or in cases where the insurance requires lots of steps to cover your physical therapy sessions. When you know the prices for your treatment, you can rest assured that there will be no surprises. The following is our current fee schedule:

  • 60 minute evaluation $180
  • 60 minute follow up $130
  • 30 minute evaluation $130
  • 30 minute follow up $86.86

6. Please refer to this document for an in-depth discussion of our cash-pay physical therapy prices, same-day discounts, and how our billing works.

Don’t see your question here? Send us an email at, give us a shout on Facebook, or call us at (509) 413-1630 – we love to hear what you’re thinking!