Strain Counterstrain for Chronic Pain

Published by Shauna Burchett, OTR/L on

Man lying on his side, stretching with the help of a physical therapist
This article was send from the Jones institute in April 2014 and written by an instructor that we have come to respect – Brian Tuckey PT, OCS, JSCCI.  We thought you might enjoy it.
Fascial Counterstrain for Chronic Lumbo-Pelvic Pain

Case study – “Liz” -Testimonial :“I had been in severe pain for 6 months prior to seeing Brian. I had been to 8 different doctors including two chiropractors, a physical therapist, two orthopedic physicians and a pain management doctor. I had seventy appointments (treatments) throughout the six months trying to figure out what was wrong with me and to just get temporary pain relief. No traditional doctor could find anything wrong. After the first visit with Brian I received an immense amount of pain relief. I walked out of his office so emotional and happy because I just knew that this man knew what he was doing. His sense and knowledge of the human body and how everything works together is truly amazing. Now after just ten visits with Brian (Fascial Counterstrain,) I’m a happy, smiling, active and pain free 28 year old woman…”

History: 28 year old white female runner, who after experiencing months of left groin and pelvic discomfort while exercising, awoke following intercourse, with severe debilitating pain.

Symptoms: Liz’s symptoms included left lumbosacral, groin and lower extremity pain extending as far as the left foot. Her pain was described as constant, rated 5-10/10 based on attempted activity level. She also reported the presence of a “cyst” like structure on her left hip that appeared sometime following the onset of her hip pain. Lastly, her left foot frequently turned “purple” and would throb causing resting discomfort and sleep disturbance.

Function: Pain limited her ability to walk, sit prolonged, sleep, participate in sexual activity and sleep undisturbed. She was also unable to participate in any recreational activities.

Evaluation: Left hip AROM was 50% limited in abduction and extension due to groin pain. Palpation demonstrated significant dysfunction present in the arterial, neural and lymphatic systems with the majority of the dysfunction identified in the left lower extremity and lumbo-pelvic region.

First Treatment: Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) was performed to the left uterine artery, rectal artery, superior / inferior mesenteric arteries, and the Obturator nerve. She experienced 2 days of complete pain relief until seeing her chiropractor for the last time, who aggravated her pain resulting in her reporting a net 70% improvement after the initial FCS treatment. She also reported that the frequency of her feet turning purple had significantly decreased.

Subsequent treatments: The next five sessions focused on alleviating the remaining dysfunction in her body including a number of lymphatic tender points identified in the left hip and lower extremity. Soon after, Liz reported that the “cyst” in her left hip had disappeared. Following the 5th session she was fully recovered & discharged from care for her lower quarter (original complaint.) Later, an additional 5 sessions of FCS were performed to address unrelated cervico-thoracic and cranial dysfunction.

This case study emphasizes the fact that training in Fascial Counterstrain will allow you to identify and correct not only musculoskeletal, but also, non- musculoskeletal pain syndromes.

-Brian Tuckey PT, OCS, JSCCI

Synergy Healthcare in Spokane has one occupational therapist and four physical therapists who utilize Strain Counterstrain and have training from this teacher, Arch Harrison PTA is certified and Becky Clark PT has taken almost every course available through the Jones institute.

Shauna Burchett, OTR/L

Shauna Burchett, OTR/L is a skilled occupational therapist and the owner of Synergy Healthcare. She graduated from the University of Alberta in 1993 with a degree in Occupational Therapy. Shauna began her career as an occupational therapist specializing in traumatic head injuries. She has also worked in skilled nursing facilities specializing in long and short term geriatric rehabilitation. Shauna has been in private practice since 1998.