Core Stabilization: The Foundation of Our Bodies

Published by Shauna Burchett, OTR/L on

The Importance of Core Stabilization

Core stabilization effects low back strength, prevents future injuries, and reduces pain. It is also an excellent exercise for people recovering from injuries, or who have low back or hip pain caused by instability in the hips.

Having strength in your core gives your body a great deal of stability. When you have that stability, you are much less prone to injury and pain. Part of the rehabilitation process is to create this inner strength to help with your current injury or pain and to prevent future injuries.

Your core muscles are the muscles deep in your abdomen and pelvis (hips). You feel them, for example, when you stop your urine mid-stream. Creating strength in these muscles stabilizes your hips, which are a very important part of the structure of the entire body. When learning core stabilization, you’ll be given exercises to do at home, directed by a Physical Therapist.


The History of Core Stabilization

Core stabilization dates back more than 50 years and was introduced in the US during the 1960s to treat neurological disorders and spinal injuries. It focuses on using the deep muscles of the entire torso in a coordinated movement. The strengthening of these core muscles stabilizes the spine, pelvis, and shoulders and forms a solid base for movements of the arms and legs. The primary areas of focus of this training are rectus abdominus, internal and external obliques, transversus abdominus, and multifidus.

It has been suggested that in almost 90% of all body movements, core muscles are actively supporting the entire trunk region. It is effective as a long-term solution to recurring back and neck pain.

Shauna Burchett, OTR/L

Shauna Burchett, OTR/L is a skilled occupational therapist and the owner of Synergy Healthcare. She graduated from the University of Alberta in 1993 with a degree in Occupational Therapy. Shauna began her career as an occupational therapist specializing in traumatic head injuries. She has also worked in skilled nursing facilities specializing in long and short term geriatric rehabilitation. Shauna has been in private practice since 1998.